10 Ways to Use Social Media for Language Learning

10 Ways to use social media for language learn

Are you a social media person? If no, in this article I will try to change your mind and explain how the social media can help you to learn ANY language you want.
Nowadays there are so many different social media and if you just start using them it can be a little bit frustrating for you. Which one to choose and how to use them for language learning?
As for me, I use almost all of them, but not the everyone. I enjoy using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. By the way, you can join me on these social media by clicking on the links.

How to use Facebook to learn a language?

I think everyone has a Facebook profile to communicate with friends. Facebook is a multicultural and multilingual platform, so the very simple thing you can do now is to change Facebook’s interface language. Another thing is to search for groups. Just tap “Learn English” for example and you will see hundreds of groups that you can join and communicate with people from all over the world by exchanging with them and practising the language you learn. That’s simple. Facebook also gives you an opportunity to make video calls. If you have a language partner, you can simply communicate with him.
There are also Facebook pages. Here is an example of my Facebook page. The principle of these kind of pages is that someone how animate his page, share a different kind of information: articles, videos, images, photos. All that is connected to one or multiple languages. On my page, I share my new blog posts as well as some interesting articles from other websites or Facebook pages/groups to help my readers to practise foreign languages.

How to use Twitter to learn a language?

Twitter is a microblog where the information spreads very fast. At the beginning, I didn’t like Twitter so much, but today I use it everyday. What you can do is simply follow people who tweet about language learning (for example @alevelspanish, @babla @angelfrenchlove). You just need a couple of minutes per day to check out your twitter and to learn some new words or to read an article. Don’t forget to use hashtags, like #LanguageLearning or #learnFrench or #learnItalian to find people or topics to follow. You can also develop your own society with native speakers and your own hashtag! They will help you to correct your mistakes and get better every day.

How to use Instagram to learn a language?

Instagram is the number one platform to learn languages by spending several minutes per day and enjoying colourful images. It is great for people who have the visual memory. Follow people and check out a new image with a new word or phrase every single day. As for me, I am following @howtospanish to practise my Spanish. But for you it is enough to tap “learn English” or “learn German”, for example and you will see a lot of images concerning language learning. Choose those you like and follow them. Before following just check up if this profile updates regularly.

How to use Pinterest to learn a language?

Honestly, Pinterest is one of my favourite platforms, as for the most women I think. Pinterest is great for language learning. The principle of this social media is to create boards and to collect “pins” you want. So, I created multiple boards for every language that I learn: English, French, German, Swedish … and so on. After that I simply search for interesting “pins” and save them to my boards. I like this method, as if I don’t have time now, I can see them later and revise them whenever I want. You should try. Check out my boards here. By the way, if you want to learn Ukrainian, I’ve created a board specially for you!

How to use Snapchat to learn languages?

Snapchat is a fast growing social media. Where you can exchange messages, photos and videos with your friends. However, after some time (that you can define) it will be deleted. Sounds interesting! You can post your short video where you speak French for example, and in this way practise aloud your target language. It is great to have some space to share your language learning moments.

How to use Periscope to learn languages?

Are you looking for live stream videos? Periscope is for you! You can have a real life discussion with your language partners wherever you are. Practise languages when you have your coffee break. It is also possible to watch videos of other people. Try it, it is fun!

What is your favourite social media to practise foreign languages?

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